28/4/2020-2/5/2020 feel motivated after watching. Not as good as season 1, despite of putting focus on top tier teams. 太散, 只加戲劇性, 有頭冇尾, 又要隊隊都要講 But Pierrer Gasly truly a good story.
弟弟最后说:Hate is baggage, life is too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. 最后是一个悲剧品酒要在成为夫妻后未删减或许比一个乐观的结局更值得人警醒那些所谓的爱国主义愤青们到底知不知道自己到底在愤怒什么反对什么斗争什么仇恨都是无谓的